John (5) Livesey

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Brief biography

John (5) Livesey was born around 1854 to parents George (1) Livesey and his wife Bridget Grimes. His birth reference is probably [Birth Index: Salford 8d 64, 1854 (Dec) - indexed as "Livsey"].

The 1861 Census finds him at age "7" living with his parents at 11, Spaw Street in Salford.

The 1871 Census finds him at age "18" living in his parents' household at 22, Wood Street in Salford. He was working as a stone road labourer.

In 1880 he married Eliza Ann Turner [Marriage Index: Salford 8d 175, 1880 (Dec)]. The marriage certificate states that they married on December 25th 1880 at the Sacred Trinity Church at Salford. He is described as a bachelor aged "24", occupied as a hawker and residing at 1, Garden Street, and she as a spinster aged "23" residing at 22, Wood Street. However, it seems probable that their addresses were accidentally interchanged in this record. His father was described as a hawker and hers, John Turner, as a striker. The witnesses were John Pitt and Elizabeth Bloore, whose connections are unknown. Elizabeth Bloore subsequently witnessed the marriage in 1882 of John William (3)'s sister Mary Ann (1).

Eliza Ann was born in 1856 to parents John Turner and Isabella (nee) Bailey [Birth Index: Manchester 8d 235, 1856 (June)]. Her parents had married in 1850 [Marriage Index: Manchester 20 635, 1850 (June)].

John (5) and Eliza Ann were living at 22, Collins Court in Garden Street when their son John William Thomas (1) was christened on March 16th 1881, but they appear to have moved from there soon afterwards.

The 1881 Census finds them living at 23, Wood Street with their 1-month-old baby John William Thomas (1). Living with them was Eliza Ann's mother, a widow aged "53" and mis-named in the record as Isabella "Livesey". Also living there was Eliza Ann's unmarried brother William Turner aged 29. In this record there are several muddles which appear to have arisen from confusion as to who was acting as the head-of-household.

They were still at 23, Wood Street when their son George (4) was christened on July 12th 1882.

They were still at 23, Wood Street when their daughter Isabella (1) was christened on January 9th 1884.

They were still at 23, Wood Street when their son Henry (1) was christened on February 18th 1886.

The 1891 Census finds them at 24, Wood Street with several children and, again, Eliza Ann's mother Isabella, now described as aged "65". John (5) was still occupied as a hawker.

He evidently died aged "39" in early 1894 [Death Index: Salford 8d 66, 1894 (March) - indexed as "Livsey"].

The 1901 Census finds Eliza Ann as a widow with her children at 24, Wood Street.

Eliza Ann died aged "65" in 1921 [Death Index: Salford 8d 91, 1921 (June)].

His children by Eliza Ann Turner

  1. John William Thomas (1) Livesey
  2. George (4) Livesey
  3. Isabella (1) Livesey
  4. Mary Alice (1) Livesey
  5. Henry (1) Livesey
  6. and possibly others ...